There Was There Were Exercises 2 Eso

1 there was there were a terrible earthquake in 2005.
There was there were exercises 2 eso. D 1 was the man rich many years ago. Anoche hubo una tormenta. There was a bed in the house. Was there were there were there not 3 a.
There was there were 1. Past be there was there were affirmative 1. Eso 2 photocopiable b burlington books past simple there was there were answers a 1 went 5 did 9 made 2 tidied 6 fixed 10 put 3 stayed 7 stopped 11 said 4 ate 8 cried 12 became b 1 was were 2 didn t go stayed. I was at home.
It was cold last week. There are so many museums cafés department stores and markets. It has got lakes a zoo and beautiful gardens and in the winter there are two ice rinks. Unit 1 present simple unit 2 present continuous present simple vs present continuous unit 3 past simple there was were unit 4 past continuous past simple vs past continuous unit 5 future will first conditional unit 6 comparatives of adjectives.
Había muchos niños en el parque. There was there were twenty people in the restaurant. 10 you were funny today. Choose the correct answer.
There is there are there was there were rules examples and exercises 5 tasks keys included 2 pages editable level. Exercise book for 2nd eso part b. They were in london last year. There was a terrible earthquake in 2005.
We were at the theatre yesterday afternoon. Ejercicios there was there were pasado simple ii completa las siguientes oraciones eligiendo la opción correcta. Había dos relojes en la pared cerca de la ventana g. Había muchos libros sobre las estanterías.
El verano pasado no hubo ningún concierto. Three men and a dog. A girl in the park. She was at the cinema yesterday evening.
Central park is enormous. 1 many people at the concert yesterday. In the picture we re riding horses. There were a lot of many children in the park.
Eso 1 photocopiable b burlington books past to be there was there were answers a 1 was 4 were 2 was 5 was was 3 were 6 were b 1 were there 4 there was 2 there was 5 was there 3 there were 6 was there c accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. It was rainy yesterday. You were with us last weekend. Ejercicios there was there were pasado simple i elige la opción correcta.
A man with a hat. Ayer había doce huevos en el frigorífico. We are staying in a small hotel near central park. Was there were there was there not 2 any interesting films at the cinema.
Use there was and there were. The concert was incredible. 2 were there was there a fruit that you. A kitchen and four bedrooms.